Leda – (Leonardo Da Vinci) Προηγούμενος Επόμενος


Στυλ: High Renaissance

θέματα: Royalty Gods Myths

ημερομηνία: 1510

μέγεθος: 112 x 86 cm

μουσείο: Galleria Borghese (Rome, Italy)

Τεχνική: Oil On Panel

Leonardo da Vinci began making studies in 1504 for a painting, apparently never executed, of Leda seated on the ground with her children. In 1508 he painted a different composition of the subject, with a nude standing Leda cuddling the Swan, with the two sets of infant twins, and their huge broken egg-shells. The original of this is lost, probably deliberately destroyed, and was last recorded in the French royal Château de Fontainebleau in 1625 by Cassiano dal Pozzo. Now in Wilton House, Salisbury.

This artwork is in the public domain.



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Leonardo Da Vinci – Οι περισσότεροι είδαν έργα τέχνης

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